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how to craft the perfect portfolio for you

By christopher blair

Christopher Blair is a senior at Millersville University. Christopher is a Multi-disciplinary studies major with a concentration in Sports Journalism. Digital portfolios are a major tool in the interview and hiring process. As a graduating senior the digital portfolio can be a major tool when searching for a job. The hope is that this project will help others in the process of searching for a job. Christopher plans on using this content and the tools from the project in the future as he continues in his career path. Christopher plans to graduate in the spring of 2020 and is looking to pursue a career as a sports writer.

& Sierra erwin

Sierra Erwin is an aspiring author! She is a soon-to-be mom and a newlywed wife. Coming from the edge of Berks and Chester County, she came to Millersville University after high school to gather stronger and more creative communication and language skills. Millersville did not disappoint! Soon after college she plans to complete her first novel and begin turning in her short stories to be published. She has many things to look forward to in the future, and is looking forward to the many great adventures to come!

& kristina kamberger


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& scott machenry

Scott MacHenry is a senior English major at Millersville University.  He is minoring in Journalism with an option in Writing Studies. He started this project in his Digital Portfolio class.  Scott hopes that this project will convince others to craft their own online portfolios to give them a better chance of landing that dream job.  In the future, Scott hopes to use his own portfolio to become a sports journalist. Scott’s ultimate career goal is to write a series of YA sci-fi/fantasy novels.  

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& monee myers

Monee Myers is a Writing studies major, while also minoring in Journalism. Born in Silver Spring, Maryland, Monee moved to Pennsylvania at the age of 10 back in 2007. Her love for reading and writing developed at the age of 6 when she was diagnosed with Type One Diabetes. Reading and writing is one of the many things Monee loves to do, and because of this love for reading and writing, she published her first poetry book, Soul Searching, in August of 2018. She recently self-published her second poetry book, Losing Focus. Once she graduates in fall 2020, Monee hopes to land a job in a publishing or magazine company. Digital portfolio class has helped Monee put together a unique and creative website showcasing her writing skills. This digital portfolio is a way to show future employers the skills and talents Monee has to offer.


& abigail whitehead-zimmers

Abigail Whitehead-Zimmers is an English major with a minor in theatre. She is a senior at Millersville University and is thrilled to be taking Digital Portfolio in her final semester. She is presenting on the myriad uses for digital portfolios in the rapidly changing professional world, as well as their versatility and easy application to any major or career path.

Want to learn more about this presentation? Contact Scott at this email address to start a conversation.

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