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Utilizing the Classroom Check-Up Model via Tele-Consultation to increase Opportunities to Respond in Virtual and Hybrid Learning

By Sadie Wentland

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to the importance of school consultation and how it can be delivered effectively using tele-consultation. Upon the completion of this school year, Sadie will continue to pursue her Educational Specialist degree at Millersville University while completing an internship at Central Dauphin School District in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. 

Sadie is a graduate student at Millersville University working towards an Educational Specialist degree in School Psychology. She earned her Bachelor’s of Arts degree from Bloomsburg University in 2019 and her Master’s of Science degree from Millersville University in 2020. For one of her graduate courses, Sadie completed a tele-consultation case using the Classroom Check-Up Coaching Model with a high school teacher. Sadie and the teacher worked together to increase opportunities to respond in order to engage her students in the new hybrid course model due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Sadie hopes to bring awareness

Author's Note: 

We have no known conflict of interest to disclose.

Thank you to my advisor, Dr. Lauren Kaiser, for your support during this project. 

Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Sadie N. Wentland at


Keywords: Classroom Check-Up, tele-consultation, opportunities to respond

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