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Climatology of Cold Fronts in the Appalachian-Piedmont Region

By Abigail Valerio

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 Abigail Valerio is a Meteorology major at Millersville University with a Math minor and an Environmental Hazards & Emergency Management minor. She is a senior graduating this spring with plans to return to MU to pursue a MSISA degree. Her climatological research is part of MU-Piedmont-area Arctic Storm Tracking (MU-PAST): a research project designed to study the structure and evolution of winter season Arctic fronts as they progress across the region. Her role within the project was to investigate the cold front climatology of the area of interest. Using surface analysis data from 1985-2021, she recorded and analyzed 

cold front frequency and arrival times. She also explored any possible relationships between front frequency and global teleconnections using statistical analysis.

Author's Note: 

There are no known conflicts of interest to disclose.

Thank you to this project’s advisor, Dr. Clark, for all your support during this process.

Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Abi Valerio at


Keywords: artic front, cold front, climatology, Artic Oscillation, North Atlantic Oscillation



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