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Applying Classroom Check-Up through Teleconsultation

By Danielle Taylor

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Danielle is a graduate student at Millersville University in the School Psychology program. She earned her Bachelor’s of Science in Psychology and minor in Human Development and Family Studies in 2018 from The Pennsylvania State University-University Park. During her consultation course in Fall 2020, Danielle worked alongside a fourth grade teacher utilizing the Classroom Check-Up coaching model to increase behavior specific praise. Danielle earned her Master’s degree in December 2020 and will work toward her Educational Specialist degree for the remainder of her time at Millersville University and during her internship at the Palmyra Area School District. 

Author's Note: 

There are no known conflicts of interest to disclose.

Thank you to my advisor, Dr. Lauren Kaiser, for all of your support. 

Correspondence concerning this article can be addressed to Danielle Taylor at


Keywords:  Classroom Check-Up, consultation, teleconsultation, coaching

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