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The Impact of Gratitude on Mindfulness in College Students:A Mixed Method Analysis

By Brooke Shimer

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Brooke Shimer is a senior psychology major who completed this research in fulfillment of the requirements for the psychology departmental honors program and the University Honors College. She became interested in the topics of gratitude and mindfulness after interning at Mental Health America of Lancaster in the summer of 2019. The topic resonates with her because she has kept her own daily gratitude journal since 2018 and it changed her life for the better. Excitingly, her research has been accepted for presentation at the 2021 Eastern Psychological Association annual meeting. Upon graduation, Brooke plans to continue her education in the Clinical Psychology program here at Millersville.

Author's Note: 

Thank you to my advisor, Dr. Bland, for all your support during this project. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Brooke A. Shimer at


Keywords:  Gratitude, Mindfulness, College Students, Gratitude Journaling

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